Friday, October 30, 2009

Could I lend you hand with that?

Or perhaps 2? tssk...(There he goes again lol)

Could I lend you hand with that?payment calculator

Sorry Hands off.

Could I lend you hand with that? loan

Thanks. I was hoping someone would offer!|||You can help finish cooking dinner and than we can have dessert.|||no i got it.i thought the clasp was in back|||You can lend anything you want sweetie...hands, mouth, whatever. Use your imagination.|||i got something you can do with your|||Nope I%26#039;m good|||no I am good.

make me a drink and a sammich instead

;%26gt;)|||You could lend me a hand with any and everything.|||Sure.....hold this rattlesnake while I climb up on the Toyota.....ready?!?!?|||No, thanks. I%26#039;ve been wiping myself for several years now.|||Sure come watch the kids.|||Sure but be careful your hands may get sticky

NiF|||sure, i m waiting my dear

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